Friday, 24 May 2013

Bob Dylan: He lived the Dream, called Rock!

You would hardly find anything that has not been written under and for the name Bob Dylan.
The generations have known him as one of the most influential Rock idol of his times. Dylan will be remembered as a legend for his work which he did as a singer-songwriter,record producer,artist,writer,poet,film director,screenwriter, and painter. He dominated the rock music scene of his time and remained to be the most influential figure in popular music and culture for more than five decades.
It was Dylan's music that spread and influenced  the landscape of  US Civil Rights and Anti war Movements. His tracks namely, "Blowin' in the Wind" and "The Times They Are Changin'", became anthems for the teens and enthralled the rock music stage. It is believed that it was his single 'Like A rolling Stone' that completely altered the music scenario and what Dylan was.

Dylan was a compelling lyricists who incorporated a variety of  influences into his music. He defied the prevalent pop music convention and accepted to take a route less traveled. His songs was then a contemporary mix of  powerful music and social, political,  philosophical, biblical, and literary thought process.

Every song he wrote  is believed to fit into the mood Dylan wanted to create, within the musical palette he wanted to use, and with the same general lyrical conceits he worked on his albums.

Furthermore, Dylan is profoundly known for the powerful imagery of society, life, friends, relationship, nation that he brought out from the content, the meaning of the lines and the verses, he wrote. He captured the essence and music and set the mood for the spirit of the times from about 1960 and still followed actively.

what he said, and to be honest, who he said it to, and when he said it, makes his words resonate so deeply even today in  hearts and minds.

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